Seeing your child suffer from a chronic illness is one of the most challenging experiences for a parent. Such life-threatening illnesses can completely change one’s outlook on life. Families are usually required to travel long distances to receive medical treatment for their children. They spend weeks or even months away from home, which can sometimes be quite uncomfortable. 

In order to cater to their needs, Ronald McDonald House Charities has made it their mission to develop, locate, and support programs that directly benefit children and their family’s health and well-being. They go to great lengths to ensure that these families have the resources they need to stay together, always keeping their objectives in mind. With the help of volunteers, they offer a variety of services to help families feel at ease even when they are unable to be at home. Sponsoring a Family, Workplace Giving, Honoring a Loved One, and Giving a Stay are just a few of the many options available to help families suffering from a child’s medical crisis with crucial treatment and assistance.

We support RMHC, and so should you! To become a part of this cause, recommend our agency for a no-obligation quote to your friends and family, and we will gladly donate $10 on your behalf for each one! So, are you ready to come along with us?

To Make a Donation Directly CLICK HERE
