Bakers Mann Sweet n’ Savory

My joy for baking started very early in life. I recall helping my older sister bake Christmas cookies. As I got older I began experimenting with techniques and more complex pastries. I found I really enjoyed cooking or baking nearly any variety of food for people to enjoy. After a great deal of encouragement from friends and family, but most of all my wonderful wife, my beloved and I decided to start our bakery full-time, marketing the salsa, breads, cinnamon rolls, pot pie, and several other things. We figured we would test the waters to see how folks liked them.

At Bakers Mann, we’re always working to perfect our craft. I’m thankful to the Lord for a knack in the kitchen and placing loved ones in my life to encourage me on this endeavor. My bride and I want to bring enjoyment and full bellies with the gifts we have received.


Ryan & Shaundra Mann

South Carolina

Phone: 803-265-5601
