The North Augusta School of Dance is an arts school providing high-quality dance education. Our mission is to build character, self-confidence, discipline and team work through the dancing arts. We believe dance helps each child learn life lessons. Whether students pursue dance as a career or not, the lessons they learn about themselves through dance are enormous for whatever they pursue in life. We specialize in choreography, competitive dance, dance teams, auditions, shows and galas in addition to recreational weekly instruction for mommy & me classes and individual classes starting at age 2 through adult classes with qualified, award winning & nationally known staff. We provide a state of the art building with sprung floors, parent waiting windows to observe each and every class, professional equipment, monthly performances to help support the community. Experience with us the highest quality of training while developing meaningful relationships that will last a lifetime!
211 West Ave.
North Augusta, South Carolina 29841
Phone: 803-292-5370